Aberdeen is one of the cities that were least transparent when displaying salaries for job vacancies with only 51%. This was followed by Derry (56%) and Belfast at (57%).
This comes from new data by Meetingo who analysed 100,000 UK jobs advertised on the job site Indeed.com, in order to ascertain the transparency of the UK job market when it comes to advertising salaries according to city and job sector, while also investigating average salary.
They discovered that 71% of job ads in the UK were advertised without a salary.
Meetingo found that the UK cities that were most transparent at advertising salaries were Leicester, Derby and Nottingham, in all of which more than 4 in 5 job ads (81%) displayed a salary.
The salary transparency is also significantly higher in Manchester 79% or London at 75%. The analysis also looked at the cities with the highest average advertised salaries. These were St Albans and Derry at £30,000 for both.
On the other hand, the locations with the lowest average advertised salaries were Armagh, Newry and Bangor, at an average of £23,000 for all three; this is £2,000 less than the overall average for all UK at £25,000.
The job sectors most likely to display salary were Community & Social Care (92%), Healthcare (87%) and Cleaning & Ground Maintenance (87%).
Whereas the job sectors least likely to display salary were Media, Arts & Design (46%), Architecture & Engineering (46%), Technology (52%) and Legal (56%).
Meetingo also found the job sectors with the highest salaries on average were in Tech, (£51,000) followed by Science and Research (£38,000) and Architecture and Engineering (£38,000).
The lowest-paid sector averages were Cleaning and Ground Maintenance (£21,000), followed by Food and Beverage (£22,000) and finally Travel, Attractions and Events (£22,000).
Jon Abrahams, Managing Director at Meetingo said: “We all know how frustrating it is when we are applying for jobs and find the job of our dreams, only to realise the salary isn’t included in the advertisement.
This is why we have undertaken the hard work and explored the job descriptions data and salary so you don’t have to.
We found it very surprising after looking at average salaries in different UK cities that London only ranked third highest at an average of £29,000; this was behind St Albans and Derry where the average salary is nearly £30,000 for both cities!”