A study has discovered the most common type of crime in each local authority in Scotland. The study analysed Gov.Scot data on the number and type of crimes committed between May 2020 and March 2021.
Dundee City has the most recorded crimes of 688 per 10,000 people, compared to the rest of Scotland. It has reported 10,237 crimes in total between 2020/21: a third of which being crimes of dishonesty, which include fraud, embezzlement, theft and white-collar crime. Dundee City also has the sixth-highest level of sexual crimes reported.
Glasgow has reported the most sexual crimes compared to any other local authority area at 1,787 in total between 2020/21 placing it just below Dundee, with 682 crimes per 10,000 people. This area also reports the largest number of fire-raising and vandalism crimes at 6,385.
The area with the third-highest level of crime is West Dunbartonshire; per 10,000 people, they experience 632 crimes. The most commonly reported crimes are those of dishonesty which include fraud, theft and online crime.
North Lanarkshire has the fourth most reported crimes with 530 per 10,000. This area experiences the fourth most sexual crimes out of all local authority areas.
Aberdeen city reports 513 crimes per 10,000 people, making it the area with the fifth-highest crime rate. Crimes of dishonesty are the most commonly reported crimes in this area with 4,635 between 2020/21.
Inverclyde is the sixth most crime-ridden area with 511 crimes per 10,000 people. Out of the 32 local authority areas, Inverclyde places 22nd for sexual crimes, with 98 compared to 1,787 in Glasgow city.
Despite having the second-highest population, the City of Edinburgh places as the area with the seventh-highest crime rate. Between 2020 and 2021, there were 499 crimes reported per 10,000. This area reports the second-highest crimes of violence as well as sexual crimes, just below Glasgow city.
North Ayrshire places just below the City of Edinburgh with 497 reported crimes per 10,000 people. 1,226 fire-raising and vandalism crimes were reported in this area while double the amount of crimes of dishonesty were reported.
Clackmannanshire has a particularly low population of 51,290, however, it is the area with the ninth highest crime rate. Between 2020 and 2021, 484 crimes were reported per 10,000 people.
Renfrewshire places as the tenth most crime-ridden area with 468 per 10,000 people. Non-sexual crimes of violence were the crimes least reported in this area with 260 while crimes of dishonesty were the crimes with the highest level of 2,667.
A spokesperson from A-Plan Insurance commented on the findings: “Protecting ourselves from crime is an essential part of everyday life and this study very interestingly shows that the type of crime committed across the country varies by region.
Fraud is reported massively more than any other crime, perhaps due to the pandemic and movement to online crime. The research also highlights that no area is free from crime and therefore we need to remain vigilant in all parts of our lives, whether we’re at home, out and about or online.”